If there is one thing we’ve learned over the years, we’re in business because you’re in business.
Long-term growth meets increased profitability with competitive grants for workforce training, 公共基础设施和经济发展. 我们的承诺还不止于此. 我们提供激励措施,帮助您轻松做出决定.
- 奖助金 made to local governing bodies for public infrastructure improvements must be for specific infrastructure projects benefiting one or more companies committed to creating new jobs and/or making new capital investments
- 包括铁路等基础设施, 公共道路, 港口, 机场, 网站, 水, k85彩乐园网站, 煤气和电讯的改善
- 根据社区的支付能力,需要当地的配套资金
- Requires a Payment In Lieu Of Tax (PILOT) for at least 5 years on real property
- Grant assisting new or expanding companies with funding to sup港口 the training of net new full-time employees
- Has the ability to offset costs companies incur when expanding or locating a business operation in Tennessee with reimbursable grants made to local governing bodies
- 可以通过各种方式抵消成本吗, 包括改造建筑物, 取得不动产, 设备搬迁, and other expenditures not otherwise eligible under the 快速通道基础设施计划 or Job Training Assistance Program
- Only used in exceptional cases where the impact of the company on a given community is significant
- 新增全职工作的数量
- 新全职工作的加权平均工资
- 公司投资金额
- 必须获得的技能和知识类型
- 项目位置
- 高危县: 35% premium to projects that locate in a county defined by the Appalachian 地区al Commission as “at-risk”
- 不良县: 50% premium to projects that locate in a county defined by the Appalachian 地区al Commission as “distressed”
为了得到任何一种保险费, the project must provide an average starting wage that meets or exceeds the median county wage. TNECD reserves the discretion to approve or deny the premium based on the facts and circumstances of the project.